Friday, November 19, 2010
Dogs Decoded
There is a crazy-cool PBS program called "Dogs Decoded" that is available on Netflix under the "Watch it Now" feature. The show tries to explain why dogs are so different than other animals and the bond between humans and dogs. If you're a dog lover, watch it simply for all of the adorable puppies!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Mason Jars
The question of eternity and what is to become of us has been a question that has had me hooked like a fish since I was old enough to understand that one day, inevitable, we will die. I have read many interpretations of life after death, watched lots of movies, listened to many people, but no matter what, I am never satisfied with the answer. I think it is safe to say that the idea of death is an idea that scares me like no other, resulting in the fact that no answer can ever be given as to why this occurs, it's just something that we must accept. I think our inability to understand the passage of time is what presents a big flaw in my understanding of life and death. I feel like our "invention" of time is our way of making sense of change, of the things that we don't understand. We know that we come into this world, we live and grow, some of us have children and get married, and hope to live long, successful lives and in the end, we return to the ground where we came from. We all have a past, a present and all hope to have a future. In reality, all we really have is the moment that we are living in. We have no proof of the past or the future; they are merely just ideas. We can't see them, touch them, grasp them. Dillard's interpretation has struck me like no other. She not only refrains from making sense of time, but claims that we are infact terrified of the passage of time saying, "It is the fixed that horrifies us, the fixed that assails us with the tremendous force of it's mindlessness. The fixed is a Mason jar, and we can't beat it open" (pg. 69). Our only one and "fixed" moment in time is the one that we have right now, and that scares us, therefore, we have created time as a distraction and a way to make sense of what we call life. We are appraching the ultimate fixed moment, which is death. Dillard explains life by saying, "It is motion without direction, force without power, the aimless procession of caterpillars round a rim of a vase, and I hate it because at any moment I myself might step to that charmed and glistening thread" (pg. 69). For some, death, or the "charmed and glistening thread" seems intriguing, and for others, it's the scariest and most unexplainable thing that perhaps we are ever faced with. What if we really are just science projects stuck in Mason Jars, experiments being watched and awed at, just test subjects suspended in one long, drawn out moment that seems like a dream? Isn't that horrifying? I think Dillard would say so.
Seeing a Balance in Life
But I wonder if this has something to do with an interesting idea that I believe Dillard promotes. She discusses at several points the idea of the horror, the grotesque in the world that we can see, and when we “see” this horror we can’t see the beauty, and vice versa. Dillard says that “cruelty is a mystery and the waste of pain. But if we describe a world to compass these things, a world that is a long, brute game, then we bump against another mystery: the inrush of power and light, the canary that sings on the skull.” And se further states that “there seems to be such a thing as beauty, a grace wholly gratuitous”. (Dillard 9) The idea of good and bad existing means there is a balance. Dillard speaks of mystery many times, and in relation to horror and beauty, maybe these two things are connected through mystery. This mystery is the result of our inability to really “see” the world or nature around, leaving us with a lack of understanding. Maybe our view of the world around us, of nature, and of me seeing the animals is like this balance of horror and beauty. We see only good or bad at any given time, with the alternate not being in sight for that moment.
I once saw a snapping turtle on the side of the road to my house, although I didn’t know it was a snapping turtle at the time, and I had never seen a turtle in “real life before (as in up close, although this term is conveniently ironic). I got out of the car and walked alongside the turtle and went to touch it, only before my husband warned me that it could hurt me. My train of thought, at the time, was one not concerning the turtle but the beauty of a turtle being conveniently placed here, at that moment for me to see and touch. I never thought about the possibility of the turtle’s life, the horror of getting my finger snapped off simply because I was too eager and selfish in interrupting the life of the turtle. I wonder if we can truly “see” things in the world, in nature, what this will do to our understanding of beauty and horror in so much as maintaining a balance.
I haven't always been the biggest Dillard fan, but over the years I've come to realize that it's been more of a clash of stylistic preferences than ideas. While this reading in Pilgrim at Tinker Creek starts off much the same way as Teaching a Stone to Talk, I tried to unpack the big ideas that Dillard is trying to convey instead of focusing on her scattered observations.
The above quote is what grabbed my attention, and while reading I closed my eyes and imagined taking part in my own experiment. Seems that, without my consent, Dillard's plain yet detailed recounting of her pond-water project had made me envision every little detail as if I were sitting at my own kitchen table, peering into a bowl of murky water, staring at the thin film of unsuspecting amoebas for hours. Then Dillard suggests putting the amoebas into an aquarium and imagines them contemplating their known universe as a rectangular tank, and mentions, "But it could be that we are not seeing something. Galileo thought comets were an optical illusion" in what seems like a completely disjointed thought. But it's not! We could be nothing more than amoebas, seeing for ourselves what we think we know for a fact, when in reality all our assurances don't amount to much. Reading this passage and thinking about all of us humans sitting on this floating rock out in space (which might very well be the celestial equivalent of a two-feet by five aquarium) I was suddenly aware that what I had once viewed as Dillard's scatterbrained retellings and lonely observations had just taken me out of the little comfort zone of my perceived consciousness. Damn, I thought. She got me, all right.
So what to do with this gained insight? Keep it close? Meditate on it every day, constantly putting myself in an amoeba's perspective again? When I walk around town and feel my cheeks going numb under the constant push of a frozen November breeze, that's not what I'm thinking about. The thing is, none of us will ever know for sure the reality of anything we think we understand. My current beliefs dictate that, first and foremost, we have nothing to do but experience the world we've been born into. So when I walk I listen to distant cars and trees and spend some time trying to "see" the way Dillard wants to see things, but I keep my infinite tininess and the path of my limited existence in time in the back of my mind, because I want to appreciate what's in front of me. Dillard quotes Donald E. Carr remarking on single-celled organisms which aren't hard-wired for brains:
"This is philosophically interesting in a rather mournful way, since it means that only the simplest animals perceive the universe as it is" (21).
Sure, this fact is mournful on some levels, but can you think about what our human existence would be like if we did experience the universe as it really is? How boring! I feel like this is the idea that Dillard is trying to wrestle with. We have been blessed with the gift of an infinite number of mysteries, an infinite number of scenarios with which we can keep ourselves occupied, trying to make sense of it all. We should appreciate that, and go to any length to convey that awareness to others. If we don't, we all might as well just be amoebas in a china bowl.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Insight With a Side of Milk.
Believe it or not, there is a reason "Riverside" is part of the name of this business. The farm is nestled between the foothills of the Green Mountains and the Winooski River. The Winooski River flows over 90 miles from Montpelier to Burlington, where it empties into Lake Champlain. The land through which it flows is greatly agricultural, especially because it makes for easy irrigation of crops. The only downside to the proximity of the river to the farmland is that runoff becomes a big issue. Responsible farming practices have been put into place by many farms along the river, including Conant's, in order to create a healthier environment. We have worked to put into place vegetative buffers not only along the riverbank, but also along natural springs that run into the river themselves. There is also great care taken to stop runoff from all barns and feed storage areas. Now we work with a Comprehensive Management Plan that was put into place in order to protect all aspects of the environment on the farm. The plan includes soil, water, and nutrient management for the farm.
Especially after watching Food Inc and seeing how farms begin to disregard the health of their animals after they begin working with corporations such as the Tyson company. For the Conant family, the animals have always been placed number one. We have over 600 animals on the farm at any given time. About 70 more young cows are boarded at a smaller Conant owned farm about a mile up the road. About 20 more cows our owned by the Conants but are housed at the University of Vermont Agriculture Barn for research. These cows are key in learning about how to keep our animals and our food and drinks healthy. The cows at UVM are fistulated. That means they have holes that go through their abdomen into their stomach. The term stomach is used loosely, as cows have four compartments in their stomach. Each chamber has a different role in the digestion process. In order for cows to be healthy and produce milk as normal and in order for beef to grow normally in order to make good meat, they should eat grains and chew their cud. They chew this cud because their bodies have to work extra hard to break it down and extract all of the nutrients. The problem here is that many American farmers have turned to using corn to feed their cattle. When we examine corn feed as it passes through a cow, we realize that much of the food is going to pure fat storage. The lipids are being extracted and the substance is being discarded. There is no energy storage, and the cows are largely being jipped by those that are trying to save money.
The Conants have been selling their milk to the Cabot Co-op for many years. Cabot, for those that don't know, is owned and run by Dairy Farmers. They encourage farms to stay manageable and make sure that they are using ethical and healthy practices for not only their animals but also for the environment. If only all farmers would understand that the impact they have on the earth is as great, if not greater, than the number of people that need their food.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Dillard on Babbling and Seeing
Maybe Leopold was right, maybe we just aren't trained to see things in that way. But Dillard actively tries to. And the best she can come to is this; "Instead you must allow the muddy river to flow unheeded in the dim channels of consciousness; you raise your sights; you look along it, mildly, acknowledging its presence without interest and gazing beyond it into the realm of the real where subjects and objects act and rest purely, without utterance" (35). Perhaps she would agree with Leopold, only hunters really see.
On the other hand, Dillard is very interested in religion. Something Leopold spends very little time on in his book of essays. In fact, opens her book with a wondering about the bloody paw prints her old tomcat would leave on her chest every morning. She writes, "The sign on my body could have been an emblem or a stain, the keys to the kingdom or the mark of Cain" (3). She is more enthralled by the almost mystical quality of nature than Leopold is. There is a sense of awe that I think is missing in Leopold's hunters. They understand animals in a much more primal way, they are able to get inside of an animals head. They have to in order to hunt them. But I think when you do that, while you are able to see, hear, smell, and sense more. The breath taking, inspiring, mind blowing moments of nature don't seem as extraordinary any more.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Community, Environment, and Mean Girls
What's going on here? I remember exclusive behavior. I remember "I don't like you," and "you can't play with us," and of course, later, cool and uncool, invited and not-invited...but I don't remember it in preschool. I thought about how hard my husband and I work to teach Avery the "right" way to behave, the "right" things to say and do, and realized with a flash that she may be learning something very different from her school community. Whose fault is that? The possibilities raced through my mind. Is it the little girl's fault? Her parents' fault? The teacher's fault? My fault for leaving her there, for having a career which means she's in full-time daycare? I spent the day embracing each of these possibilities in turn, getting angry in a way I think only a parent can, utterly unable to focus on anything else.
Then, last night, I went back to Ceremony, and to the idea of the web of community. After talking to old man Ku'oosh, Tayo becomes "certain of something he had feared all along, something in the old stories. It only took one person to tear away the delicate strands of the web, spilling the rays of the sun into the sand, and the fragile world would be injured."
Later in the evening I spoke to a friend who is a child psychologist. "It's happening more and more," she said of the kind of behavior I'd witnessed, "and with younger and younger kids. Mostly girls." What I had seen, I realized, was evidence of a tear in the web. A community problem. And to address it I'd have to start thinking about bigger issues than "whose fault?"
I can't help thinking that Silko's right -- that the Western (and, as Cassandra's presentation so effectively illustrated, Christian) tradition of morality, in which we're taught to be moral individuals, to mind our individual souls, to do the "right thing" out of a sort of Kantian or biblical sense of duty, is part of the problem. What we somehow need to absorb is that our actions -- all of them -- affect the web of community that is our very life-support system. As Silko's novel so beautifully illustrates, the dangers of thinking we're disconnected, that our actions affect only ourselves, is the source of not only ecological but also ethical disaster.
I don't know what to do about girls being mean at younger and younger ages, any more than I know what to do about the factory farm system, or poverty, or global warming. But I do know, now, that I live in a community, that its problems are my problems, and its health, my health. So tonight, we'll go though the closets and find some old coats to bring to the school's coat-drive, and Avery and I will bring a loaf of homemade bread to my neighbor with the broken ankle, and we'll pick up a couple of strands in our tiny little corner, and start mending.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Rethinking the Fly, Hummingbird and Buzzard
Unfortunately, while purposefully trying to find life; I was unable to do so. Sad days...
However, as I read through Ceremony for today I couldn't help but become amused by how many animals are referenced throughout the book - especially the imagery of Buzzards, Hummingbirds and flies.
At around pages 94-97, there is an intriguing moment in the book when Tayo enters into a bar and reminisces about all the fond memories that he once had in the bar. To him, every inch of that bar carries sentimentality as he looks over little details, such as the old stove, plaster on the walls and the bent floorboards. His disappointment sets in as he realizes that those fine communal days at the bar are over.
The most interesting about about this section though aren't specific just to the bar and the memories that Tayo ties to them, but rather the poem that seems to bookend his feelings.
On page 97 the poem reads that, "Fly started sucking on/ sweet things so/ Hummingbird had to tell him/ to wait:/'Wait until we see our mother.'/ They found her./They gave her blue pollen and yellow pollen/hey gave her turquoise beads/they gave her prayer sticks.
'I suppose you want something', she said./ 'Yes, we want food and storm clouds.'/'You get old Buzzard to purify/ your town first/ and then, maybe, I send you people/ food and rain again.'
Fly and Hummingbird/flew back up./They told the town people/that old Buzzard had to purify/the town. (P.97).
The imagery in this poem really struck me because it speaks to one of the main themes of the book - which is to reshape their once tight-knit community through the land (which is reminiscent of how Leopold conveyed his ideas about community through nature).
The mixture of Tayo's memory in tandem with the poem serves as a way for Silko to stress the importance of creating and maintaining a community. When Silko writes about Tayo's memories first and the poem second, she creates a parallel of how the community was before - a strong one, to a dying community in need of "purification" by way of an old Buzzard. This all seems very similar to how Leopold used the image of the mountains and wolves as a way to illustrate life before and after people turned away from natural traditions (or how his perspective changed from being a trigger happy hunter, to a respecter of the land).
In addition to the communal message, it seems to me that Silko wants the Buzzard to represent the Native American spirit that the people once had and the hummingbird and the fly are the almost powerless spirits that the people currently have; which in turn reinforces the differences between the community in the past to the one in the present
Food For Thought
The Rain Ceremony
I wished for rain last week. I was having one of those days where nothing was going right and I just wanted the weather to reflect my mood. My mind was cloudy, but I could tell it was full of dark things, too many things… I felt a little bit like Tayo – walking around in the here and now, but not thoroughly a participant. Random objects would recall memories that I’d forgotten I’d ever had… A sign on a door, the color of someone’s shoes, a minor chord played by a stranger on the piano, all these things assaulted me… There was my grandfather hardened like a skeleton after chemo treatments, there was that desperate glint that appeared in my father’s eyes when he yelled and the sound of my best friend’s voice as she said, “I forgot about you”.
I stepped outside and smiled as the rain fell. People were rushing and important papers were getting wet; I enjoyed every minute of it. The rain revived me as I walked and with every step I imagined the darkness that clouded my mind getting washed away, the rain taking it with it and down into the gutter where I didn’t have to see it anymore.
This walk made me think of cleansing and the ceremonies that Tayo undergoes. The rain was a sort of cleansing for me, but I couldn’t help thinking that it could be a cleansing for other people as well, an event that would connect them back to the Earth. As I was reading Ceremony I couldn’t get over the description of the white people’s connection with nature:
Then they grow away form the earth
Then they grow away from the sun
Then they grow away from the plants and animals.
They see no life
When they look
They see only objects.
The world is a dead thing for them
The trees and rivers are not alive
the mountains and stones are not alive.
The deer and bear are objects
They see no life. (123)
As in this description, I too get caught up in the world of objects. I think it’s easy to do here in college. My existence revolves around due dates for projects, papers, and presentations. I breathe in so many words, only to breathe them out again the next day in class. My dreams are about typing my papers and taking my tests. I feel like this is a problem. I think people aren’t thinking about the right things and I know that they aren’t being very observant. They don’t notice that most of the leaves have fallen; they don’t take the time to reassure themselves that the sky is blue. Honestly, I feel like it could be green one of these days and they wouldn’t notice it. However, the rain… The rain they see as an enemy. It makes them cold, and it gets them wet, but the good thing about rain is that it should, at least, for a second, make them forget about papers, tests, and presentations. It should remind them that they are human, and that they can only do so much. It’s a ceremony which many don’t want to undergo, but one that I believe is extremely necessary.
Being Natural
Road Kill, Winter, and Organic Food
As I was walking, I noticed how dead the world looks right now and sadly realized that winter is coming. The time right before the first real snow fall always depresses me. Everything looks so grey, cold, and sad. I constantly feel like I’m in a Stephen King novel at this time of year. The only good thing about snow is that it covers up all of the death.
Unfortunately, I see a lot of road kill when I walk down Perham street. It’s a little gross, but if you walk by the same road kill every day you get to see it slowly disappear. Animals slowly pick away at it, a car might run over it again, and it also decomposes on its own. I know it’s gross, but I can’t help but think it’s a little interesting to see. Without death there cannot be life, so in a way I guess destruction is necessary to live.
While I looked at and thought about the road kill, I remember a passage from Ceremony that seemed relevant. The section in which Tayo smashes a melon ends with bugs infesting the “remains.”
“Tiny black ants were scurrying over the shattered melons; the flies were rubbing their feet on the fragments of pulp and rind. He trampled the ants with his boots, and he kicked over the seeds and pulp. He watched the flies buzz in circle above the burial places” (61-62).
I wondered at first, why did he not want the bugs to be in the guts of the melon? Perhaps the melon is not just food to him, but rather a living thing that is closer to human. Maybe the guts and the destruction reminded him of the war and the corpses that resulted from it. I wonder how Tayo would have reacted to the dead, insect covered bunny on Perham street.
I do need to write/think about the Food Inc. movie that we had watched in class last week. I do understand that some animals live in horrible conditions and this ends up being negative for the consumers (us). However, how many people inhabit the earth now? How many people live in the U.S. alone? Would it be possible in any way to feed all of those people with organic farming? I do not think that it is possible. What requirements must a food meet in order to be considered "organic" anyway? I'm currently doing a little research on organic food because I am now interested. Here are some links I have found so far:
Once I find some information I will write another blog on it.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Walking Against Traffic
So while reading Ceremony, I thought a lot about all the Native American literature I've read and how this compares or doesn't. Tayo is a fairly depressing human being to read about. The few rays of sunshine are the moments when he remembers happy times. One such moment, "Josiah said that only humans had to endure anything, because only humans resisted what they saw outside themselves. Animals did not resist. But they persisted, because they became part of the wind."(24). Well, yes, of course we resist. We don't want to die, so we have medicine. We don't want to rebuild after natural disasters, so we create walls and complex machinery to protect us. We don't want to accept that it happens on purpose, that Nature has a cycle that we can't see. We think we need to see everything to be above it. Wanting to be above and not part of requires separation; separation requires resistance.
Oddly enough, I remembered my drunken walk down the street with friends. We weren't human then, we were animals and unthinking. Is that why we were enjoying ourselves? There was no thinking about stress, or wondering where the next meal was coming from or trying to solve world hunger. There were no machines to rage against, only the alcohol that brought us to that baser state. Resisting is hard work, and we didn't work against anything that night. Did we sway like the wind, and become part of it in our drunkenness?
Sometimes I think human beings would be happier if we didn't try to think all the time. Most people, when looking for an escape, look to something that wipes out their brain: hard liquor, drugs, physical sports, adrenaline rushes. Berry wanted us to work with our hands so we could see and feel the end product. See and feel, not think about. We had to think to invent the factory. We had to think to make war. We had to think to globalize. We have to think to resist. Do we have to think to survive?
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Efficiency or Enjoyment?
Anyway, an important realization that I came to was that the extent to which I could write depended entirely on how much sunlight I had left before nightfall. I was deep enough in the woods that as every minute ticked by I had less and less light to work with. Soon I felt as though I was racing against the clock, trying to condense my ideas enough that by the time the sun went down I could come up with something that didn't seem to end too abruptly. I noticed, however, that the race to take advantage of every last ray of daylight wasn't too stressful. The whole time that I was concerned with finishing my little entry, I had barely noticed the quickly fading light, and by the time I had finished, I was completely in the dark.
Later, I thought about Berry's fascination with the "Old school" of thought, and the conflicts with functionality and enjoyment that he raises when describing his conversations with his farming friend, who preferred to use horses on his farm rather than tractors. I thought Berry sounded a bit like Thoreau (at least the cynicism is there) when he describes the farmer's use of his tractor:
"Last spring he used his big tractor only two days. The last time he went to use it, it wouldn't start, and he left it sitting in the shed; it was still sitting there at the time of our visit" (155).
Here, I think that Berry is trying to outline what he doesn't like about the advent of quick, labor-saving technology by showcasing this particular incident, where something that might be completely practical could also be entirely impersonal. Not only does the farmer apparently have a hard time justifying its use, but once it proves unreliable, it is unable to be improved upon, and is thus left alone to rust in his shed. While I think that Berry is far from the point of despising technology to the extent that Thoreau might have, he makes a compelling inadvertent statement about the importance of the enrichment of one's own life over the practicality of modern advances. Berry says,
"At year's end, his bank account will show a difference that the horses have made, but day by day his reason for working them is that he likes to" (155).
I felt as though this passage connected with my sense of enjoyment and understanding of practical application when it came to writing things down in the dark. For me, the focus was the enjoyment that I got out of writing about something. Whether or not it entailed more work or became less efficient, at the end of the day, I didn't fuss about whether or not I was able to fill two whole pages with something brilliant and concise. That wasn't at all the point. The point was that I was happy with the way I chose to work. While I think that it might be a stretch to expand this little scenario to the economic extent that Berry brings his farming examples in "A Good Farmer of the Old School", for me the good economic sense was of personal satisfaction. After all, I don't have to worry about selling anything I write to make a living. . . well, not yet anyway.
Turkey Farming
Bob was proud to inform us that his farm composts almost every organic material that they use, do not use genetically modified feed, do not inject their birds with antibiotics or artifical flavor chemicals, and try to give the birds the longest life possible. Bob then compared his ways to that of conventional farmers and I'm sure almost half of us were ready to puke by the time he got to the issue of killing the birds. Ironically, while listening to his comparison, we were standing right next to the kill house, were they just happened to be killing their quota for the day. Bob explained that his methods were the most humane and despite the shrieks from the doomed birds, I admired Bob for his honesty about his work and his willingness as well as want to find and use the most decent approach when it comes to farming turkeys. Unfortunately, Bob is the only farmer in New England that doesn't use genetically modified feed and one of the few who actually cares about the well-being of his birds.
I feel as though Wendell would applaud farmer Bob in his efforts to find the most humane and beneficial methods when it comes to farming animals for human consumption. I really enjoyed Home Econimics as a whole, but especially enjoyed the last section of reading. Lately, as a result of both this class and my philosophy class, I have become so worried about where my food is coming from and quite frankly, have seriously been considering becoming a vegetarian. I do understand that we as humans have a biological desire to eat meat, however, I don't in any way feel that we have the right to impose pain and terror, as well as discomfort and torture on animals that we are raising and killing merely for our own consuption. Call me ridiculous, but I feel that animals are entitled to a somewhat decent life, even if the end is met by the chopping block. I feel that Wendell would consider farmer Bob as what he calls the "good worker," one that, "loves the board before it becomes a table, loves the tree before it yields the board, loves the forest before it gives up the tree. The good worker understands that a badly made artifact is both an insult to its user and a danger to its source" (pg. 144). Farmer Bob understands that a poorly treated turkey is not only an insult to him, but also an insult to the environment, as well as the humans that are consuming it. It also becomes a sign of ignorance, one that shows just how much we as humans only care about the production and quantity, not the process and the quality. I found Wendell criticizing the human race for this ignorance, and found myself slighty ashamed, knowing that I have a part in this ignorance. According to Wendell, we view nature and its resources as 'means that can be used to advantage' (pg. 134). Our carelessness has lead us to be what Wendell feels is wasteful, even though we try to claim otherwise. He then goes on to say that, "Our great fault as a people is that we do not take care of things...Labor is expensive, time is expensive, money is expensive, but materials- the stuff of creation- are so cheap that we cannot afford to take care of them" (pg. 128). I couldn't agree more and the more I find out where my food comes from, the more I frown on our race for our abuse of the things that nature lends to us in what we like to think of as endless quantities. The real truth is that we are not only abusing the privilage of using the environment, but we are using the environment as a mere means and not having the deciency to give back what we take. Granted, if more conventional farming companies turned to more humane and traditional methods, our food would be more expensive, but wouldn't it be worth it? Perhaps we could then actually call ourselves an intelligent race, one that could feed the whole earth while still having appreciation for where our resources come from and learn to take care of them, cause after all, I'm sure nature is itching for some payback.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
This week my walk took me to the bank to cash my paycheck. Though it is not a walk “in” nature it still allowed me ample time to think things over. With a 13-instrument jazz/funk band playing in my I-pod I set out for Bangor savings. Although I have been travelling high street for years I rarely walk it and with headphones. I decided I would let my eyes be my judges and look at the same walk in a new perspective.
On my walk I thought about Berry’s essay Economies. I thought about how he believes that plants and animals can, “live within the Great Economy entirely by nature, whereas humans, though entirely dependent upon it, must live in it partly by artifice.” (p.58) As I walk I realized it is true these buildings are manipulations of nature as well as the Gardens (although dying or preparing for winter) were cultivated to look pleasing to the eye. I look around at the trees, the bushes, peoples yards, tufts of forests nestled between neighborhoods and I couldn’t help but think how I’m going to miss this town when I move away. Here, at least it seems, people live more with nature than even southern parts of Maine or well many places. I couldn’t imagine looking out my window and being unable to see the trees or nature in as natural beauty as we can actually see it.
Where does all of this lead? It leads to something I have always noticed here, the strong division between the college and the town. Economically they are intertwined, come summer time when college is out this town is pretty dead (with the exception of tourists over 65!). But the people are two very separate communities. As much as this town is involved with the college, it is the least college-orientated town I’ve seen. So I asked myself the same questions as Berry did in his last essay, “Is community necessary…can “community values” be preserved simply for their own sake? Can people be neighbors, for example, if they do not need each other or help each other?” (p.180) I say unfortunately yes. It is what this town has become a division of communities.
I realize this has turned into a bit of a rant but it is something that has always bugged me about this town. I love it here. I like being able to walk to a store and buy anything I need. And although I went to high school not far from here and have lived in Maine for the last decade it seems that when I go into these stores I’m still looked at as a college student, a UMF’er. There aren’t deals within the Farmington community that promote to college students. There are no “college” nights at the bars, there isn’t even a local restaurant frequented by college students. But anyway this is what happens when my thoughts and eyes roam to the buildings around town, I get slightly off topic.
My last thought, well of any significance, was that I would have loved to have lived and gone to school at UMF before it was commercialized. From talking to old alumni who have gone to school here it seems that the town had been much more of a community before modernization really took over. And reading Berry really did feel like he wrote it recently, not almost 30 years ago. A particularly strong examples is presented on p. 186 when he states that, “The way that a national economy pres on its internal colonies, is by the destruction of community—that is, by the destruction of the principle of local self-sufficiency not only in the local economy by also in the local culture…change from goods once cheap or free to expensive goods having to be bought.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Wilderness Re-reconsidered
Landscape- Where are you?
This time, instead of a nature walk, I decided to be a total hypocrite and do a “nature drive” which isn’t really being with nature at all, but when I need a break, this is what I do. I choose to drive around Farmington and into Jay to see what I could “find” or just “see” in nature. I was driving down a large hill when I saw the scene that is to the right. I stopped and took a picture because I found myself becoming a little depressed. I took this drive to get away, a little break to feel better, and I find this “industry” right in the middle of the most beautiful view. I found myself wondering what Berry would think of this sight, seeing a plant, or whatever it was (I think it might have been the paper mill- making this all the more ironic with what we have read on the cutting of the trees) and finding it right in the middle of what little nature is left. I think of our industry today, our need for more, and our willingness to destroy one thing to create another, meaning cutting down nature to build a plant in the middle of it to produce more things that we as a society and economy want but don’t really need.
Berry states that “American agriculture is fantastically productive, and by now we all ought to know it. That American agriculture is also fantastically expensive is less known, but is equally undeniable, even though the costs have not yet entered into the official accounting. The costs are in loss f soil, in loss of farms and farmers, in soil and water pollution, in food pollution, in the decay of country towns and communities, and in the increasing vulnerability, of the food supply system.” (pg. 128) I realized when re-reading this section that the car I was in, the road I was on in addition with this plant that was in front of me all contributed to the loss of nature. I was smack in the middle of being upset about losing nature but contributing to it at the same time. I wonder then, with Berry’s ideas and suggestions about finding balance in nature if we will ever really find that balance, which scares me for the future. If my children’s children drive, bike, hike, walk, etc. down this road in the future what will they be looking at? Will this plant be here, will more be here, and will nature be here? I wonder how much we will “consume” before we realize it’s too late.